Safety tips for Women

Here are some safety tips for Women:

1. Always be aware of your surroundings

This applies whether you are traveling alone or in groups. Dont just focus inwardly on your thoughts if you are alone, or your friends if you are together. Keep one eye out for your environment, looking out for suspicious characters, possible danger, etc.

Also, dont assume that because your area has been “safe” thus far, that it will continue to be so.

2. Travel in groups

“There is safety in numbers” is not just a cliche. Its true. Make a point of traveling together with other sisters, whether its on public transportation, on campus, in cars, etc.

3. Change the route you normally travel by

If youve taken the same bus, train or highway to get to work or school, change your route. Even if it takes you a little longer, your safety is more important. By changing your route, you can avert possible attacks or harassment from those who know your schedule, method and route of travel well. Please note though that you should avoid short cuts that take you through unfamiliar or unsafe areas.

4. Look confident

Walk with a straight posture and your arms swinging by your sides. Avoid slouching or walking like a victim. This makes you an easy target for attackers.

5. When riding by public transportation choose the right seat

If you are riding by bus or train, do not sit on the window seat as you may be “blocked in” by a potential assailant. Always select the seat next to the aisle so that you can quickly leave if necessary.

If you are taking public transportation alone after peak hours, sit as close to the driver as possible and/or choose the section of the bus/train that is most crowded. Try to get a seat near the exit as well.

6. If you are driving alone

Don t think that if you are in a car, youre safe. Windows should be up and doors locked even when driving to avoid unwanted passengers at intersections. When you are walking to your car, always have your keys ready, so that you can quickly get into your car.

But dont just get in right away. Always check your car before entering, especially the back, for any intruders.

7. Never leave your car door unlocked

Even if it means for one minute to drop something off in the mailbox thats a few feet away. Attackers have been known to lie in wait for such an opportunity.

8. Be careful in parking lots

Always be alert in parking lots, especially when it’s dark. Ask someone to *** you to your car. Between cars and inside cars, it’s easy for someone to hide and wait until an unalert person comes along.

9. If you are traveling by taxi

Always check the identification of the driver (usually located near the visor) and ensure that it matches the driver. Once inside, don’t sit behind the driver as it may be easy for the driver to lock the rear passenger door. Always choose the adjacent seat .

In addition, avoid flagging taxis. Always order taxis so the driver can be traced if something happens.

10. Dont use the walkman

If youre used to listening to your walkman while outside, drop this habit, especially in isolated areas. With your walkman on, you cannot hear the approach of a possible attacker.

11. Note “safe houses” along your route

Mentally note houses at intervals on each route you take that can be used as “safe houses” if you are attacked, such as shops or houses that you know to be occupied by a friend or acquaintance.

12. When you make a call from a phone booth

After dialing the number you wish to call always turn around so that you have your back to the phone and may see who or what is coming your way. You will then be able to tell the person to whom you are speaking that you may be in trouble and you may be able to use the weight of the phone as a weapon. The door of a telephone box could be used to wedge in the limbs of the attacker.

13. Do not open the door of your home without checking

DO NOT open the door to your home without first checking from a window, peephole or by asking and verifying who it is. Instruct children to do the same.

14. Report any suspicious activity around your home

If you see people loitering on the streets near your house, call the police on a non emergency number and report it.

15. Invest in a cell phone

This is an invaluable safety device. Keep it with you at all times and keep emergency numbers on it. Also, keep it next to your bed before you go to bed at night. Cell phones were first popularized by women as a security device, business people came later.

16. Parking tips

Avoid parking in areas that are not well lit. Where possible, park close to a school or work entrance or in a parking garage that has an attendant.

If you see a suspicious person approaching or hanging around near your parked car, turn around and go back to an area where there are other people. Try to get an *** to your car through the campus or job security or local police.

17. Tell others about your whereabouts

Parents, spouses and friends should know where you are going and when you will be back, so that your absence will be noticed. Arrange a call in system with a friend if you live alone, whereby you call when you arrive home.

18. Trust your instincts

If you are walking somewhere and feel strange or scared, dont ignore this feeling. Take extra precautions by walking a little faster to get to a more populated or well-lit area or change the route youve been driving on.

19. If you think you are being followed, change your route and activity.

You can cross the street, change directions, or enter a populated building or store. Do whatever is necessary to avoid being alone with the person who is following you. Inform a police officer or security official about the


20. Attract attention if you are in a dangerous situation.

Get others to pay attention to what’s happening to you if you are under attack or being harassed. You can alert others by honking a car horn or loudly describing what is happening.

21. NEVER admit that you are alone

If someone calls your home and asks if you are alone, NEVER admit it. Ask who the caller is. If they refuse to identify themselves, calmly hangup. Keep the radio on in the house so that callers will get the impression that others are in the home too. Instruct children to do the same when they pick up the phone.

22. Obscene phone calls

If you receive an obscene call or a crank call, do not talk to the caller. Hang up if the caller doesnt say anything, or as soon as s/he shouts obscenities. Hang up the phone calmly and do not slam it down. Note down the date and time of the calls. If they are persistent, inform local police.

23. If you are a student

Avoid studying in isolated classrooms in parts of the college campus that are not regularly patrolled by the schools security officers.

24. In large buildings take the elevator, not the stairwell

Stairwells are usually quiet and dark. Most people take the elevator. But if someone creepy gets on, dont hesitate to get off at the same time. Or, if someone is already on the elevator who you feel strange about, do not get on and wait for the next elevator

Windows 8 helpful Keys

1. Windows Key + C
2. Windows Key + D
3. Windows Key + E
4. Windows Key + F
5. Windows Key + H
6. Windows Key + I

1. Windows Key + C

Windows Key + C

Brings up the Charms bar. Charms include Settings, Start, Share, and Search. Press [Image: Icon-Windows-32.png] + C (Windows Key + C) or swipe from the right on a touch device.

2. Windows Key + D

Windows Key + D

Brings up your Desktop. Windows 8 can run all your familiar desktop applications. [Image: Icon-Windows-32.png] + D takes you back there quickly. Hit it a second time to hide your running desktop applications and show you the actual desktop. Choose the Desktop tile from the Start screen when using touch.

3. Windows Key + E

Windows Key + E

To quickly launch Windows Explorer (My Computer) Hit [Image: Icon-Windows-32.png] + E (Windows Key + E). Do this using using the full version of the virtual keyboard if using a touch device.

4. Windows Key + F

Windows Key + F

You can quickly search for any file in the C:\ directory by hitting [Image: Icon-Windows-32.png] +F. If using touch, swipe in from the right, choose Search and then Files. You can see all the categories of files like Documents, Videos etc.

5. Windows Key + H

Windows Key + H

Show the Sharing pane. Many apps can share their content via other apps allowing you to share with your friends via e-mail, social networking and more. Try it now! Press [Image: Icon-Windows-32.png] + H (Windows Key + H) or swipe from the right on a touch device and choose share.

Windows Key + X

Displays a power user menu including many common tools like Run, Control Panel, Task Manager, Explorer, Command Prompt and much more. When using the keyboard, hit [Image: Icon-Windows-32.png] + X (Windows Key + X) or you can use mouse. Move your mouse pointer to the left bottom corner and press right click you can see the same menu.

6. Windows Key + I

Windows Key + I

Shows the Settings pane. You can change an app’s setting or adjust the app’s permissions on the Setting pane. You can also access Windows functions like Power, Notification, adjust Brightness and Volume, and more. Give it a try Press [Image: Icon-Windows-32.png] + I (Windows Key + I) or swipe from the right and choose Settings ( [Image: setting.png] ) on a touch device. Do this from the Desktop or a Desktop Application to show system-wide settings options including control panel, personalization, and more.

7. Windows Key + L

Windows Key + L

You can lock your computer or tablet by hitting [Image: Icon-Windows-32.png] + L (Windows Key + L). Handy for when you are quickly stepping away or want to show the lock screen.

8. Windows Key + M

Windows Key +M

You can quickly minimize all desktop application windows by pressing [Image: Icon-Windows-32.png] + M (Windows Key + M)

9. Windows Key + P

Windows Key + P

To bring up options for duplicating or connecting a display, hit [Image: Icon-Windows-32.png] + P (Windows Key + P). When using touch, swipe in from the right, choose Devices and then Second screen.

SMS in Indian Regional language made easy

Typing in Indian Regional language is always a pain to our thumb. We are using English to type something in other languages too.
We have solution either means of QWERTY or Multitap on phone, which is time consuming and slow down our typing speed.
The new solution called PaniniKeypad, which offers people to type in Hindi, Bengali, Tamil, Telugu, Punjabi, Kannada and Malayalam etc. directly on phone. its quite fast and easy to use. its based on statistical prediction, which means characters will keep coming on screen automatically.

How to Type:
There are two rules of typing.
1. Look for your characters on screen, and press/touch the indicated numeric key on keypad.
2. Press Next List button for more characters.

To type Jorakshar/Conjunction (half letters) characters, put Halant (Red in color) in between consonants.
To make Purnaviram (|), press space (0) button twice.


How to Download:

PaniniKeypad is developed for Java, Android and iphone also.
Its free for java and Android phones. latest version can be downloaded from: , etc.

iphone can be downloaded from iTunes directly.

Experience the world’s first predictive keypad..


पासपोर्ट के लिए ऑनलाइन आवेदन करें

अगर आप पासपोर्ट बनवाने की सोच रहें हैं तो आप पासपोर्ट के लिए आवेदन ऑनलाइन भी कर सकते हैं ।
भारत सरकार ने पासपोर्ट आवेदन की प्रक्रिया काफी समय से ऑनलाइन कर दी है ऐसे में आप भी इसका उपयोग कर सकते हैं 

पासपोर्ट आवेदन की वेबसाइट अंग्रेजी के साथ साथ हिंदी में भी है जिससे हम हिंदी भाषियों को आवेदन की प्रक्रिया समझने में आसानी होती है ।

हिंदी वेबसाइट
इन वेबसाइट पर सभी जानकारियाँ उपलब्ध है की कैसे आवेदन करें, कैसे और कहाँ आवेदन जमा करें और इसके लिए कौन कौन से कागजात जरुरी होंगे ।

आवेदन की प्रक्रिया इस वेबसाइट से थोड़ी आसान हो गयी है, ऑनलाइन आवेदन कीजिये -> आवेदन का प्रिंट लीजिये -> आपको एक दिन और समय दिया जाएगा जब आपको आवेदन फोटो, शुल्क और कुछ जरुरी दस्तावेजों के साथ अपने चुने हुए केंद्र पर जमा कराने होंगे ।

आवेदन केंद्र से ही आपको जानकारी मिल जायेगी की कब तक आपका पासपोर्ट जारी हो जाएगा ।

1. नीला : रेग्युलर और तत्काल। साधारण लोगों के लिए।
2. सफेद : ऑफिशल। सरकारी कामकाज से विदेश जाने वालों के लिए।
3. मरून : डिप्लोमैटिक। भारतीय डिप्लोमैट्स और सीनियर सरकारी अधिकारियों के लिए।


कौन-कौन से दस्तावेज जरूरी 
एज प्रूफ: बर्थ सर्टिफिकेट या 10वीं क्लास के पास सर्टिफिकेट की सेल्फ अटेस्टेड फोटो कॉपी। जिन लोगों के पास डेट ऑफ बर्थ सर्टिफिकेट नहीं है , उन्हें फर्स्ट क्लास मैजिस्ट्रेट (एसडीएम और सीनियर अफसर) से अटेस्टेड सर्टिफिकेट की कॉपी लगानी होती है।

अड्रेस प्रूफ: वोटर आई कार्ड , पैन कार्ड , बैंक पासबुक या स्टेटमेंट , ड्राइविंग लाइसेंस , इंश्योरेंस पॉलिसी , जरनल पावर ऑफ अटर्नी , बिजली-पानी आदि के बिल की सेल्फ अटेस्टेड फोटो कॉपी। किराए के मकान में रहनेवालों को रजिस्टर्ड रेंट अग्रीमेंट के साथ एक और प्रूफ देना होता है। दूसरे प्रूफ के तौर पर पैन कार्ड , पासबुक , डीएल आदि की कॉपी दे सकते हैं।

आईडी प्रूफ: वोटर आई कार्ड , ड्राइविंग लाइसेंस , पैन कार्ड , आधार कार्ड , फोटो लगी पासबुक।

लेटेस्ट फोटो
: फोटो पासपोर्ट सेवा केंद्र में ही खींचा जाता है।

पासपोर्ट केंद्र कहां-कहां हैं
देश में पासपोर्ट बनाने के लिए कुल 114 केंद्र हैं , जिनमें फिलहाल सालाना करीब 60 लाख पासपोर्ट बनाए जा रहे हैं। इनमें 77 पासपोर्ट सेवा केंद्र (पीएसके) और केंद्र सरकार के विदेश मंत्रालय के तहत 37 पासपोर्ट ऑफिस हैं। दिल्ली में पासपोर्ट कागजात के वेरिफिकेशन और फीस जमा कराने के लिए तीन केंद्र बनाए गए हैं

1. पासपोर्ट सेवा केंद्र , हुडको , त्रिकूट- 3, भीकाजी कामा प्लेस , आर. के. पुरम , नई दिल्ली- 110066
2. पासपोर्ट सेवा केंद्र , ग्राउंड ऐंड फर्स्ट फ्लोर , हेराल्ड हाउस , 5 ए , बहादुर शाह जफर मार्ग , नई दिल्ली-110002
3. पासपोर्ट सेवा केंद्र , अग्रवाल ऑटो मॉल , प्लॉट नं. 2, डिस्ट्रिक्ट सेंटर शालीमार प्लेस , आउटर रिंग रोड , नई दिल्ली-110088

टाइमिंग: सोमवार से शुक्रवार , सुबह 9:30 से शाम 4:30 बजे तक , लंच: दोपहर 1:30 बजे से 2 बजे तक

नोट: इन सभी सेंटरों पर एटीएम की सुविधा भी है।

ऐसे होता है पीएसके में काम 
पहला काउंटर : पासपोर्ट सेवा केंद्र में पहला काउंटर कस्टमर सर्विस एग्जेक्युटिव (सीएसई) का होगा। यहां आपको पासपोर्ट की किस्म के हिसाब से फीस जमा करने के बाद उसकी रसीद मिलेगी। आपके कागजात की स्कैनिंग होगी , आपके फोटो खींचे जाएंगे , फिंगर प्रिंट लिए जाएंगे और इसी के साथ सीएसई का काम खत्म।

दूसरा काउंटर : सीएसई से अगला काउंटर वीओ का है। वीओ सरकारी अफसर है। वह आपके फॉर्म की जांच करेगा। कागजात का वेरिफिकेशन करेगा। ऑरिजनल कागजात देखेगा। वेरिफिकेशन सही है , तो आप अगले काउंटर पर जाएंगे।

तीसरा काउंटर : यह ग्रांटिंग ऑफिसर (जीओ) का काउंटर है। जीओ जांच करते हैं कि क्या आपने पहले भी कभी अप्लाई किया था , क्या पहले की ऐप्लिकेशन और मौजूदा ऐप्लिकेशन में दी गई जानकारी में कोई फर्क है , फॉर्म में और कोई गलती तो नहीं है आदि। संतुष्ट होने पर जीओ आपकी ऐप्लिकेशन को मंजूरी दे देगा। 
इस मंजूरी के बाद आपका आवेदन पुलिस क्लियरेंस के लिए भेज दिया जाएगा। 

नाम या पता गलत हो तो… 
तैयार पासपोर्ट में अगर आपका नाम या पता पासपोर्ट सेवा केंद्र की गलती से सही नहीं छपा है तो फौरन संबंधित पासपोर्ट सेवा केंद्र में शिकायत करें। वे गलती सुधार कर पासपोर्ट जारी करेंगे। इसके लिए अलग से कोई फीस नहीं देनी होगी। 

एनसीआर में कहां-कहां बनता है पासपोर्ट 
कहां है पासपोर्ट सेवा केंद्र 
पासपोर्ट सेवा केंद्र (पीएसके) , ब्लॉक-ए ग्राउंड फ्लोर , पैसिफिक बिजनेस पार्क , प्लॉट नंबर 37/1 , साइट 4 , साहिबाबाद इंडस्ट्रियल एरिया , गाजियाबाद-201010 
टाइमिंग: सोमवार से शुक्रवार , सुबह 10 से शाम 5 बजे तक , लंच : दोपहर 1:30 से 2 बजे तक 
कहां करें शिकायत: 0120-272-1876/779 

कई जिलों के बनते हैं पासपोर्ट: यहां पर 13 जिलों के पासपोर्ट बनाए जाते हैं। अलीगढ़ , आगरा , बागपत , बुलंदशहर , गौतमबुद्धनगर , गाजियाबाद , हाथरस , मथुरा , मेरठ , मुजफ्फरनगर , सहारनपुर , हापुड़ , शामली (प्रबुद्धनगर) जिलों के नागरिकों के पासपोर्ट पीएसके से बनाए जाते हैं। 

नोएडा और ग्रेटर नोएडा 
नोएडा और ग्रेटर नोएडा में कोई पासपोर्ट ऑफिस नहीं है , इसलिए यहां के लोगों को ऑनलाइन अप्लाई करने के बाद वेरिफिकेशन आदि के लिए गाजियाबाद पासपोर्ट सेवा केंद्र (पता लेफ्ट में) जाना होता है। 

कहां करें शिकायत 
पासपोर्ट समय पर नहीं मिलने पर गाजियाबाद में पासपोर्ट ऑफिसर से शिकायत की जा सकती है। समय से वेरिफिकेशन नहीं होने पर एसएसपी ऑफिस में शिकायत की जा सकती है। 

गुड़गांव और फरीदाबाद 
हरियाणा में भी सिर्फ ऑनलाइन अप्लाई किया जा सकता है। ऑनलाइन अप्लाई करने के बाद गुड़गांव के लोग पासपोर्ट सेवा केंद्र , एमएम टॉवर्स , प्लॉट नं. 8,9 , उद्योग विहार फेज-4 , ओल्ड दिल्ली रोड , गुड़गांव -122002 में जाकर औपचारिकताएं पूरी कर सकते हैं। 
टाइमिंग: सोमवार से शुक्रवार , सुबह 9 बजे से शाम 4:30 बजे तक , लंच: दोपहर 1:30 बजे से 2 बजे तक , छुट्टी : शनिवार और रविवार। 

फरीदाबाद के अलावा सोनीपत , रोहतक , झज्जर , रेवाड़ी , महेंद्रगढ़ , गुड़गांव , पलवल और नूह जिले के लोगों के पासपोर्ट संबंधी काम दिल्ली के 3 केंद्रों में भी करा सकते हैं। 
टाइमिंग: सोमवार से शुक्रवार , सुबह 9 से शाम 4 बजे तक।

7 Common Mistakes When Buying A New Compute

I built a new computer a few years ago. I’ve always considered myself above average in the tech field, but looking back, I have a few regrets with the system I built – some of my decisions could’ve been much better. Even if you’re thinking of buying a computer, not building one, you could be making the same mistakes as I did.Most of these mistakes come down to a lack of knowledge. It’s easy to make a sub-optimal purchase decision when you don’t know all the facts. And even if you’ve read a lot of purchasing guides, you’ll still make a few mistakes. So instead of telling you what you shouldlook for when buying a new computer, here are some things you should avoid doing.

When Buying a Processor

The processor, also known as the CPU, is the brain of a computer system. It handles all of the calculations and operations that make software do what it does. A basic truth is that a faster CPU (meaning higher MHz/GHz) will result in a faster system. However, in recent years, CPU performance can’t be determined by numbers alone anymore.
For example, an AMD CPU and Intel Core CPU might both be clocked at 2.5 GHz with 4 cores each, yet one may actually perform much better than the other. Why? Both CPUs may operate at 2.5 billion cycles per second, but the technology in the Intel Core CPU makes more use out of each cycle, so in reality it performs better.
Summary: Don’t look only at the numbers. Learning which CPU is the best for you will take some research.

When Buying RAM

Like the CPU, people will often choose RAM by numbers. After all, 8 GB of RAM is 8 GB of RAM, isn’t it? Not quite. It’s true that having more RAM will boost your computer’s performance, but you also have to know that RAM chips have an internal speed. 8 GB of RAM running at 1000 MHz will be slower than 16 GB of RAM running at 1333 MHz.
Summary: RAM is one of the cheapest components of a computer, yet it can boost performance by a noticeable amount. Don’t look only at size, but also at speed, and buy the best you can afford.

When Buying Hard Drives

Like RAM, people often judge a hard drive’s worth based on how much data it can hold. Nowadays, top-tier consumer hard drives have pushed into terabytes territory, and some people think that a 2 TB drive is automatically better than a 500 GB drive. Not exactly true.
Hard drives don’t only have a size but a speed. Sounds familiar, right? Hard drives spinning at 5400 RPM are going to be quite a bit slower than hard drives spinning at 7200 or 11000 RPM, and that means that accessing the data on the hard drive will be that much slower. Hard drives are well known for being the bottleneck in a system’s performance, so buying the fastest drive whenever possible is a good investment.
At the same time, hard drives are the computer component that is most prone to breaking down. A 1 TB drive is useless if it wears down in just 1 year, whereas a 500 GB drive that is built well and lasts 5 years is worth it.
Summary: Size is important, but so is speed and lifespan. If you need a fast system, faster hard drives may be better than larger ones. Also, read around for reviews and guides to gauge the lifespan of a particular hard drive model.

When Buying a Monitor

For the average person, monitors are all about size (I’m beginning to see a pattern here.) When you shop for monitors, you’ll notice that there are a tonof specifications that you can choose from: screen size, screen type, contrast ratio, update frequency, color depth, power usage, etc. The problem with monitors is that most of those specifications can be confusing or meaningless.
Unless you are a videophile, you probably won’t notice the difference between picture qualities, contrast ratios, LED vs. LCD, and all that jazz. However, you will regret buying a monitor that doesn’t have the correct ports for your needs. You will regret buying a monitor that craps out in a year. You will regret buying a monitor that has a glare unless you look at it from a very specific angle.
Summary: Consider size, but also consider the facets of a monitor that will impact your daily use of it. Make sure it has the right connection ports. Read reviews and make sure it has a good lifespan. If possible, check it out in a store so you can see what it’ll look like.

Sales Are Not Always Worth It

Whether you’re buying a computer component or a full system, the sale price can be deceiving.
For example, let’s say a website listing says you save 50% on a monitor. Sometimes, this price difference is between sale price and debut price rather than sale price and current market price. The monitor may have debuted at $300 and now you can buy it for $100, which seems like you’re saving $200, but if that monitor has been around for a year and its current market price is $150, then you’re only saving $50.
Another scenario is when two items are on sale. One is clearly better in all ways, but you can save more money by buying the one that is slighter worse. In this scenario, it might be better to shell out the extra money.
Summary: Cheaper is better for your wallet, but sometimes the performance hit isn’t worth it. You really have to research your potential purchases in order to maximize your bang-for-its-buck.

Extended Warranties Are Not Always Worth It

Computer components – and electronic devices in general – are often bundled with extended warranties. These warranties will protect you if your purchase fails during a period of time starting from when you actually bought the item. Extended warranties are great for peace of mind, but depending on the item, it can be a big waste of money.
Most computer failures will occur long after the warranty expires. How many computer components fail within a year? A hard drive might warrant a warranty just because they’re known for failing often, but components like monitors, keyboards, and CPUs will often outlive their warranty dates.
Summary: Warranty selection is really about juggling four considerations: the price of replacing the item, the expected lifespan of the item, the duration of the warranty, and the price of the warranty.


Like I said, most of these mistakes come down to a lack of knowledge, and that comes with good news and bad news. The good news is that lacking in knowledge can always be resolved by reading, researching, and learning. The bad news is that all of that takes times and effort – time and effort that you maybe can’t afford.
If you can expand your knowledge and avoid these mistakes, great! If you can’t, then you could consider outsourcing your computer-buying decisions to a friend or a colleague, although that solution might come with its own set of problems. Otherwise, the last option is to keep losing out on money and performance with every purchase.